Google My Business Posts Overview

Get your messages and promotions right on the search results pages.

The new Posts feature in Google My Business allows businesses to post a message on the search results page when people search for your business.

That may not seem like a big deal, but it can mean one less step visitors have to take before they land on the right page or offer you want them to see. Fewer steps means less friction for your visitors… and hopefully higher conversion rates on the pages that matter.

Here’s what you’ll see in the video:

  1. Where to find the new Posts feature
  2. How to create a Post
  3. Where visitors will see your posts

Watch the video here

Keeping your momentum with Google My Business Posts

Posts expire after 7 days, so it’s important to build these into your routine if you want to keep a post up at all times. Thankfully Google wants you to keep posting and they’re not shy about reminding you to do it.

Check out this email reminder…

Google My Business Posts Reminder

Clicking on the big blue “Create My Next Post” button makes it easy to create and schedule your next post. This is a 5 minute job each week.

Your turn

Go on and get posting! Take every opportunity to present your customers with your best offer. If they’re searching for your business by name, chances are they’re close to making a buying decision and this is a nice new way to help them when they need it most.

If you’d like help setting up what you’ve just watched, please schedule a time to chat and we’ll get you going.